Prof. dr hab. Ewa Siedlecka

How microplastics became a macro problem

science clubs

Join us on 1 December 2020 at 1700 for the lecture 'How microplastics became a macro problem', presented by Prof. Ewa Siedlecka, Ph.

Abstract: Floating plastic bottles or flying plastic bags are part of the environment around us. Aquatic animals mistake them for food. However, microplastics pose a greater threat. What is its source? Where and in what quantities does it occur? What threat does it pose to us? Do we have ideas on how to solve this problem?




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Submitted on Sunday, 29. November 2020 - 13:13 by Andrzej Nowacki Changed on Sunday, 28. May 2023 - 18:32 by Andrzej Nowacki