Mgr Christian Orobello

Wealth and Poverty

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The project "Science Clubs at the University of Gdansk - known and unknown faces of science" was co-financed by the
from the programme "Social Responsibility of Science" of the Ministry of Education and Science


Scientific cafes at the University of Gdańsk

We invite you to open meetings in the form of scientific cafes, bringing the scientific activity of the University employees closer to a wider audience.

Thursday, May 26, 2022, at 14.00-15.00, room C301, Faculty of Economics, UG

The lecture "Wealth and Poverty" will be presented by MSc Christian Orobello, Faculty of Economics of the University of Gdańsk


Wealth and Poverty are complex economic issues. While the subject can be seen as controversial, we will look at the practical side of it, define the gap, look at the causes, and determine some possible solutions. I will present based on the increasing gap between the wealthy and the poor in The United States.

At the meeting, we will also talk about how poverty impacts people and what externalities they are more likely to be subjected to based on their socio-economic status. The question raised is, how can we as a community encourage success while ensuring we are leveling the playing field for all. For this and other questions, I will try to respond during the lecture.


People who want to ask a question before, may can send them to the following address:


The project is conducted at the University of Gdańsk:
the Faculty of Chemistry and the Faculty of Economics.

More information about the project's events:

The project "Science Clubs at the University of Gdańsk - known and unknown faces of science" is co-financed from the "Social Responsibility of Science" program of the Minister of Education and Science


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Submitted on Wednesday, 31. May 2023 - 21:02 by Andrzej Nowacki Changed on Wednesday, 31. May 2023 - 21:06 by Andrzej Nowacki