Dr Anna Synak

A journey through the world on the nano scale

science clubs

Supported by the "Social Responsibility of Science" programme of the Ministry of Education and Science



We would like to invite you to open meetings in the form of science cafés bringing the scientific activities of the University's employees closer to a wider audience.

Tuesday 26 January 2021, 5.00 pm

The lecture "Travelling the world on the nano scale" will be presented by Dr Anna Synak


Abstract: Many different imaging methods and techniques are used in the study of the world around us. One such research method is microscopy, which is used in many fields of science and technology. Since the first optical microscope was constructed in the 17th century, many types of microscopes have been developed, which allow information to be obtained about the size or shape of samples, analyse their composition and structure, and even allow the properties of the sample to be known, e.g.: electrical, magnetic. An important parameter in microscopy is the so-called resolving power, i.e. the smallest distance between two points in the image that we treat as separate. For standard optical microscopy, this is about 200 nm. In 1934, the first description of an electron microscope appeared, and modern electron microscopy techniques allow images to be obtained with a resolution of 0.1 - 0.05nm, several million times greater than that of the human eye. The next step in the development of microscopy was the construction of the scanning tunneling microscope in 1981 and the atomic force microscope in 1986. These microscopes allow images of scanned surfaces to be obtained with the resolution of single atoms. Precision microscopy techniques allow us to look deeper and deeper into the world around us and support the development of new technologies.

Electron microscopy and scanning probe microscopes, in addition to standard optical microscopy, will be the focus of a class entitled: "A journey through the world in the nano room."

Those who wish to ask a question can do so until Monday 25 January 2021 at: oblicza.nauki@ug.edu.pl



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Submitted on Thursday, 14. January 2021 - 17:20 by Andrzej Nowacki Changed on Sunday, 28. May 2023 - 18:37 by Andrzej Nowacki