Dr Marcin Szulc, prof. UG

Risky use of electronic media - how to help yourself and your children?


Supported by the "Social Responsibility of Science" programme of the Ministry of Education and Science



We would like to invite you to open meetings in the form of science cafés bringing the scientific activities of the University's employees closer to a wider audience.

Tuesday 12 January 2021, 5.00 pm

Lecture Risky use of electronic media - how to help yourself and your children? by Dr Marcin Szulc, Professor at the University of Gdańsk


Abstract: For children and young people, the Internet has become a primary source of knowledge about the world, a natural environment in which they gain experiences and satisfy needs. Social media are an indispensable part of young people's social lives shaping the way they grow up and function. In addition to the incredible benefits of access to unlimited remote resources, we are at the same time exposed to risks such as phonoholism, cyberbullying and fake news. It is therefore necessary to maintain digital hygiene and introduce good practices in the use of remote communication.
In order to be successful in convincing our children to interact safely digitally, it is necessary to build a proper relationship based on dignity and respect. It is a good, non-frivolous relationship between adults and children that is the most effective factor in protecting them from dangers.

What dangers do we face? What screen rules to apply? How do you build a good relationship with your child?
These are the questions we will try to answer.

Those who feel like asking a question can do so until Monday 11 January 2020 at: oblicza.nauki@ug.edu.pl

More information about the project's events

: https://chemia.ug.edu.pl/wspolpraca/popularyzacja_nauki/science_clubs_w_ug



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Submitted on Monday, 21. December 2020 - 15:35 by Andrzej Nowacki Changed on Sunday, 28. May 2023 - 18:35 by Andrzej Nowacki