UMO - With Chemistry Forward

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We invite all day-care centers and their charges to participate in the project:

"With Chemistry Forward" - development of competencies of wards of day-care centers through participation in didactic activities implemented at the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Gdansk" financed under the Operational Program Knowledge, Education, Development 2014 - 2020


The project is aimed at students aged 12 - 16, wards of day-care centers, who study chemistry at school. It will involve 60 wards of day-care centers located in the Tri-City area. We have prepared educational activities for them, the main purpose of which is to develop cognitive curiosity and interest (passions) in nature, creativity, stimulate development on many levels: intellectual, axiological and social development, allow students to get acquainted with the academic environment as a source of ideas and scientific research.

Educational activities will consist of:

- five workshops in a student laboratory (including one in a computer lab)

- one lecture

- a student educational mini-project

- a competition for the best paper on the above activities

Start of the project: school year 2018/2019

Place: All meetings will take place at the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Gdansk.

Contact person: Dr. Bozena Karawajczyk, email:


From September, the recruitment for the project begins



A brief description of each of the activities carried out under the project (PL)

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Submitted on Thursday, 19. July 2018 - 20:10 by Andrzej Nowacki Changed on Thursday, 18. May 2023 - 15:50 by Rafał Ślusarz