Research Topics
- dr hab. Janusz Madaj, prof. UG:
- Vancomycin and analogues thereof and their interaction with the muramylpeptide of the Staphylococcus aureus cell wall
- Examination of the structure of bacterial exopolysaccharides
Full description of research topics and offer for students...
- dr Barbara Dmochowska:
- Synthesis, structure and biological properties of quaternary glycoammonium salts
Full description of research topics and offer for students...
- Synthesis, structure and biological properties of quaternary glycoammonium salts
- dr Justyna Samaszko-Fiertek:
- Chemical synthesis of a peptidoglycan fragment of the cell wall of Staphylococcus aureus
Full description of research topics and offer for students...
- Chemical synthesis of a peptidoglycan fragment of the cell wall of Staphylococcus aureus
- dr hab. Rafał Ślusarz:
- Dynamics of biomolecular processes
Full description of research topics and offer for students...
- Dynamics of biomolecular processes
The offer for students can also be found on the website: BSc and MSc.